Hey there!
Altered clipboards are a new fad in altered items of scrapbooking. I thought I would try my hand at it and it didn't turn out too bad. I picked up the clipboard from Walmart for $.98. With a little modge podge, some fun paper and embellishments bingo! Check it out! What do you think? Thanks for reading! Have a great evening!
Altered clipboards are a new fad in altered items of scrapbooking. I thought I would try my hand at it and it didn't turn out too bad. I picked up the clipboard from Walmart for $.98. With a little modge podge, some fun paper and embellishments bingo! Check it out! What do you think? Thanks for reading! Have a great evening!
Love the clipboards you've done; where do you buy yours? I haven't done any; but they are certainly the 'in' thing right now!
Well I try to cut corners as much as possible without scrimping on the project. Soooo my buddy WalMart helped me out on this one for $.98 each!!
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