Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Growing so fast!

Hi Everyone, Whitney and Angelina came by tonight and I thought I would take a few pictures. Whitney will be moving to her mom's next month so I am just trying to get a few pictures while she is here. I've forgotten how fast they change! I tried my hand at some creative baby shots but some of them didn't work out...she just didn't want to cooperate earlier this evening. But she finally settled down and I was able to get a few sleepy shots. I will have some scrappin' work to post later this week! Thanks for peekin' in!


Nikki said...

What precious pictures. She is really very cute! I can't wait to see what else you come up with!

Sarah :) said...

She really is a BEAUTIFUL baby! Such nice features and lovely eyes! :)

Lynette said...

I don'td see how you will be able to stand having her all the way up in Kansas City. Miss Angelina is a beautiful little girl.

JoEtta Zabel said...

I love these pictures...you did such a great job.

JoEtta Zabel said...

I love these pictures...you did such a great job.

Whimsey said...

WHY, OH WHY am I not getting updates for your blog? Feedblitz and I are at odds - LOL!

These pictures, Toni, are absolutely breathtaking...makes me gasp and pause in amazement at God's creation!