Yep I am still around. You guys probably thought that I fell off the planet huh? Nope. Just thought I would take some time away from the computer for a while. Since being dismissed at Scrapbook Garden I have found myself really enjoying being home with my kids. I loved working with the gang at SBG but secretly there were times that I would think to myself that I wished that I didn't have to work on Saturday's. Weekends are precious time when you work full time and on the weekend that I worked at SBG I felt like I really didn't have a weekend. So needless to say I am enjoying not having to go to a 2nd job. I have also noticed that since I am not in the store drooling over all the new items that come in I have not spent very much money on scrapbook supplies not to mention saving money on gas!

So this weekend was Gilmore Girl marathon! Haley and I watched the rest of season 1 and all of season 2. I am working on finishing up season 3. I did read a few spoilers and I am not sure that I really like the way the show ended. But we shall see.
Tomorrow we are taking our girls and our little godson to the pumpkin patch so I will have some pictures to share with you.

Tonight we are going to see the the 9:30 flick...Fireproof. I actually twisted my mom and dad's arm and they are going to see the movie with us. What a treat! The girls are so excited!
A few weeks ago I was reading the Catholic Advance (the local Catholic paper that comes out every week with Catholic events and goings on in the area) and there was an article about a priest that used to be at our parish a long time ago. He is now serving as the Chaplin in the army and he is stationed in Iraq. I emailed him to tell him I had read the article and that I would like to send him a care package. So that's what I did. I sent him a box full of stuff. I was amazed at how much stuff I got and how I fit it all in this little box. I sent it on Thursday and they said it will probably take about 2 weeks for it to get to him. I recently found this great web page where you can adopt a soldier that has no family back home. There are certain requirements, like you have to write one letter a week and send one care package a month. It is a pretty big commitment but can you imagine how nice it would be to receive a letter or a package once in a while? Might just make your day to receive something. We gotta support our troops!
Well anyway...thanks for peekin' in tonight!