Thursday, January 8, 2009

I can bring home the bacon...

My co-worker and I have the best time at work sometimes. We laugh a lot...they say it is healthy to laugh and where better than at work when you can sometimes be stressed out right? Well I am not sure exactly how it came up but something reminded me of that old commercial from the early 80's for Enjoli perfume. I just started cracking up and I thought this might take some of you back and maybe give you a little giggle too! Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of my blog and press pause on my music so you can enjoy the commercial!


Sarah :) said...

*hehe* I've never seen that commercial but I love that song!

Too funny, no wonder you gals were giggling. Were you reenacting it and dancing around? If not, I can still totally picture it Toni. :)

Michelle said...

Ok, I immediately knew what commercial you were talking about and started hearing it in my head. Then I read how the "young'un" hadn't seen it before and I think another gray hair sprung out on my head!

Whimsey said...

LOL; that is just too funny! Don't you love when you have a huge chuckle...or a small one at work? Glad you enjoy your job AND co-workers!

Hugs; have a great weekend!

JoEtta Zabel said...

LOL...that was great...certainly takes you back